The divider and roof board of Modular IVF Operation Theater can be made out of following material according to client prerequisite. A) 1.6mm thick EGP steel boards upheld by 12mm thick Gypsum. B) Stainless steel SS202 or SS304 boards. C) High-pressure Laminate boards according to EN standard. D) PUF sandwiched board. The Operation room divider will have two autonomous surfaces with a base opening in the middle. The outer dividers of the Modular OT room will be developed with strong blocks with concrete putting. The internal surfaces dividers will be built with 1.60mm thick EGP steel boards upheld by 12-mm gypsum board (India gypsum make) these boards will have fire protection from BS1142 part 3.The inward surface dividers of Modular IVF Operation Theater will be fixed to the blocks divider with fundamental backings. There will be least conceivable hole/hole in the middle of the strong and steel dividers. The absolute distance between within and outside surfaces of the working room will be variable to suit the planner’s design, yet will be adequate for the flush mounting of types of gear. The individual divider boards will be spot welded together at equivalent spans to deliver equivalent help to the boards. Spot welding will be appropriately crushed to make the surface leveled. All joints will be loaded up with metal filler and sanded flush nearby prepared to get the plastic completion. Divider board’s joints will be imperceptible after the last divider covering is applied. Hole between the inward and external dividers will be left with least check for the conceivable expansion of gear sometime in the not too distant future and to empower administrations, pipes, conductors and so forth tuberous inside the pit, Wall mounted hardware will be flush mounted and fixed into theatre.

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Unit no.8 Aarkay Gold Industrial Estate Behind Blue Bell Commercial Complex, Chinchpada, Vasai East,Bilalpada,Maharashtra 401208